wow some PRETTY cool miracles i did certainly see this week my dear chaps! seriously though i'm just like.... :0..... haha i love being a MISSIONARY!!!!!!! I think it's so awesome how so many prophets in the book of mormon RETIRE just to go be a missionary for the rest of their lives. and we only get a year and a half and half the time we're like oooh man this is long and hard.... PLEASE!! haha I love the BoM it's so missionary focused, it helps me get kicked back into shape whenever i have off days.
okay christmas is COOOMING. craaaaaazy stuff.
I hope you all got to see the devotional, focus on the good this christmas, don't get impatient in lines!!!!! don't hate cause items are sold out! juuuuust love people :) haha
okay so FIRST OF ALLL here's the cooolest thing ever. in my eyes, haha i'm still flippin out about it. seriously. so cool.
okay, SO. we have a less active who has a lot of anger cause her mom used to be VERY active in the church, something happened, she fell away, and then this member feels like the church completely pulled away from her. gave her no support or love, and just left her. she was very concerned about her mom, and very angry about it all. WELL. the next week we come to visit... and she asks us if we told anyone about what we told her, we were confused and a little worried haha and then she said... "cause right after I told you guys all that, some people from the church went and gave my mom a blessing, and she started getting the sacrament, and it made her so much happier, which helped me a lot."
.......................... :0....................................
you guys. i was thinking logically for a second like, hm... bishop probably made a call or something. and then i was like... wait this could TOTALLY be a miracle!!!!!!!! and then we get to church and ask the leaders if anyone said anything or asked anyone to go over, AND NO ONE HAD DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like WHAAAAAAAt???? oh my heck... do you underSTAND????? the minute she opened up about it and wondered why God had left her mom alone, THOSE PEOPLE GO TO HER!!!!!!!!!! it was so awesome. i'm still like... wooooow... God is so cool.... seriously. oh my heck. haha i'''mmmmmm juuuuust yeah. it's so awesome. ANYWAY.
soooo other huge miracle.... did i say anything about wavaney last week? well LET ME TELL YA NOW!!!!
okay first of all SHE'S GETTING BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!! ON THE 21ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what you all ask??? HOW IS IT POSSIBLE??? i dunno. but Heavenly Father handed her to us on a silver platter. seriously. it was a miracle. she showed up to church, and everyone thought she was a member in the classes, we talk to her, and turns out her Boyfriend in Jamaica had been teaching her over Skype and told her to sign up for the lessons and get baptized..... sooo.... uh we took her through the first 3 lessons in three days. haha everything is going SO SMOOTHLY! she just GETs it. all of it, she explains things we teach her back to us BETTER and i'm like wooooah that's cool i didn't even think of it that way! i'm learning a lot from her, it's so awesome. haha and her son is so excited to be able to pass the sacrament, he'll be gone for christmas but he'll take the lessons after, oh my heck... i love this lady so much. she's so awesome. seriously, it's just a huge miracle. i'm SO GRATEFUL. anyway. yeah. soooooo THIS LIFE IS PRETTY GREAT RIGHT????
okay anywho, i'm almost out of time, i gotta get goin. but you guys......... i heard it was pretty cold over there. hehe hahaha hehehe it was 87 degrees yesterday................................ I was super mad and like GIMME SNOWW!!!!!!!!!! COLD WIND!!!!!!!!! ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause it juuust doesn't feel like christmas... but..... (DOLLY: APPRECIATE THIS) Dolly made me promise not to complain about the heat this week, cause it's freezing over there. haha so i'm not complaining. even though i already did..... I take it back!!!
anywho. i love you all a ton. i hope you know that. everyone who lives in Orem that reads this! give my familly lots of love for me okay???? lots of hugs and nice stuff.
Lets remember to step it up everyone. no excuses. excuses will always be available, but the ultimate goal is to progress and so lets do it! lets progress, move forward. sigue adelante. don't get discouraged, use every opportunity to learn something! don't forget you've never failed until you stop trying. don't limit yourself, it's worth it :) IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you all :)
Add christmas goodbye party for sis rood :) caption |
cutest hedge hog in the world. |
my favorite children EVER. i love them more than life. |
I'm on Facebook!! |
the AWESOME nativity festival we had, we hosted :) it was a great turn out, tons of people off the street, tons of returning members. SO GOOD. |
oooh man. that's my view when we go running sometimes :) every morning that fog comes up with the sunrise, it's SO PRETTY. i feel like i'm in pride and prejudice. |
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