Wednesday, April 24, 2013

week 6

oh my goodness HELLO FROM FLORIDA!!!! I'M HEEEEEREE!!!!
wow not enough time to tell everything that has happened.... seriously. haha but everyone read it all cause it's awesome :)
let's see first of all on the plan ride here i totally fell asleep and then fell on an elders shoulder..... and NO ONE woke me up... and apparently he just awkwardly leaned forward and over for like thirty minutes... hahaha how embarassing. even more so cause he's in my district... what are the odds! but we joked about it it's all good. anyways, already on the plane ride the work started! i sat next to a nice guy, in the military, felt prompted to share some thoughts with him, ALMOST didn't cause oooobviously that's a little weird, but it was super awesome, he was way contemplative the whole time and then after lots of silence talked about how is life is too negative and he needs to remember the little things that keep the spirit. and he was so fun to talk to! anwyays, not a miracle or anything but just cool!
lets see... yeeeah FLORIDA. okay. the rumors... are true... i don't know why but i never believed any! cause i've been her and didn't remember any of this... but let me tell you. it is WAY humid. my hair was so frizzy the first day! haha i was shocked. also. the water tastes like fish... dead fish.... dead smelly fish that have been soaking in water for days.... make that months... okay i'm being dramatic and it's just our apartment but SERIOUSLY. it smells. and tastes bad. hahaha even the shoooower :( so i don't drink water... no good, buT! i'm getting smarter and filling up my water bottle at the church!
uhh i eat a thousand bugs every day, and my eyeballs have been made a home to plenty of them also.
I ride my bike a LOT! skirts on a bike isn't actually as bad as you would've thought!
lets see, well story! real quick, first day... third door we knocked, a couple answer, super sweet, english speaking, but we go in and after like an hour of talking, and sharing the joseph smith experience, they BASICALLY are converted. it was amazing, they said literally the night before they had talked about needing to find a church cause the 2nd coming is getting closer! haha and they said they really needed this, and it was AWESOME!
lets see, we have 5 new investigators! all really great, can't understand a word usually... but that's okay! seriously cubans are CRAZY fast and slurry talkers. but thankfully my comp is fluent! so after a couple days of not udnerstanding i started making her translate and nooow i can understand and reply in my broken spansih :)
story! we visited an investigator and he has tons of books and beliefs and talks SO MUCH and everything, it's crazy, anyways so it's really hard to get a lesson in with him cause everything you say he just interrupts and goes off on a rant, but i was really discouraged that night with my spanish, i had just let it get to me, and so i was not in the spirit feeling mood, we got in and my companion looked at me like we were gonna teach the first vision, SO, i decided to knock it off, something good was gonna happen! IF i could pull myself together! so i said a quick heartfelt PLEA for help, and relaxed, and then i recited the first vision! the spirit was SO strong.. it was crazy... and he was SILENT. after i finished, we waited for a long time, to let it all sink in, and he was STILL silent, just looking at me! and then we all testified and everything, and he did go off a little after that, but then his wife told us the next day that he had been up reading the book of mormon till 3 in the morning that night :) how CRAZY huh?? SO AWESOME. so never let yourself get discouraged in anything!
well we met a jehova's witness who asked us if we were his religion and we said no and he appaaaarently thought we said yes (god probably adjusted his ears for a minute :)) and he invited us over whenEVER we were in the neighborhood! so that's cool, excited to see where that goes when they find out who we really are! haha
oh yeah!! i live in a zoo :) it is amazing here!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!! everywhere!!! and so many animals!! holy cow... well. mostly just squirrells bunnies and lizards and ducks. haha but still! and the occasional peacock!
oh and EVERYONE here (spanish) does the whole cheek kiss thing :) i LOVE IT! i feel super cool... and everyone is super friendly so all the new people we teach, the guys go to give us hugs after and i just quickly stick my hand in his face... hahaha so awkward, i hate it, but oh well!
OH! I'M SICK!!! can you believe it... in the warmest place ever i have one of the worst colds i've had in years. haha i'm almost better though, but it's so funny. the Lord deeeefinitely gets me through every day!!
okay yeah i'm definitely gonna get FAT by the way... hahaha we haven't been fed a ton but when we do it is so much...... it is so hard to finish everything on those plates. AND like you'll see in the pictures the spanish ward gives us SO MUCH FOOD. they are so kind.
uhhh no one pronounces russell right, it's funny. uhhhh... lets see. i suddenly can't remember anything! but that's good cause i gotta go. well i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss you all and want you to know that without a DOUBT THIS CHURCH IS TRUE. and no one can tell me it isn't because i know :) god told me multiple times!
okay gotta go! bye!

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