EEEEEHHHHH!!!!!! everyone this week was so
just wait. i have the BEST news EVER!!!!!!
okay lets seeeee aveeeer.....
first! my address is the same no worries!
hermana judd? se fue... is gone... LEFT............. :( so
sad. haha whenever i brush my teeth i always pace around the house and go into
the other bathroom where she is for some reason so the other night i did that
and started to walk over there and then...........
BUT! alas. life is still dfkhaos dufa;sdkf;hasdf so dang
MY NEW COMP!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys don't get to see a pic of
her cause i don't have a camera thing to put in the computer for the times
being, so uh yeah BUT next week you will! she's super cute, i love her! I LOVE
TRAINING! her spanish is already killin it!!! we've been on bikes this week
cause we ran out of miles, back to being drenched in sweat, sunburned, and
bitten 50 times. BUT, i am actually really happy we ran out cause i was getting
spoiled in the cool car. haha AND now my trainee gets to experience the real
mission life on bikes! much more exciting. her name is sister Despain by the
way! from Oregon!
okay ANYway. this week was great :) lots of good stuff
happening in the area. we emtpied out a lot of our old investigators, had to
drop a lot, BUT now we are finding lots of prepared people! and really working
with the ward to give us their friends. haha
first of all. BREAKING NEWS. for real. we have a less active
who is really old and kinda just refuses to be happy... i have never met
someone so negative, literally every time i say something positive she said
three negative things about the positive thing. SO last time we saw her i got
really fed up and i told her MARIA. i do not wanna hear another negative thing
out of your mouth. okay? positive or nothing at all! don't worry guys i said it
in a nice way! haha anyways next lesson we came to her house and she LISTENED
TO THE LESSON!!!! it was seriously a miracle... she commented on the
questions.... and she smiled :) WOOOO!!! i love her little smile, made me so
happy, she was still pretty negative BUT my new comp is bringing miracles into
the area i swear!!
OKAY cutest thing ever. jose? my bud? who now says "soy
mormon" every time we see him? :) well we were out with a member hna Llil,
who is the greatest lady ever to exist by the way, she is so sweet i love her
so much, anyway she got him a suit and some ties for church and we went to take
it to him and he almost died... haha he was giggling and rubbing his hands
together SO MUCH. it was adorable, he put it all on she he could should us and
he looked so HANDSOME! man that guy. he's so happy. it makes me so happy. and
then he came to church all fancy and stuff on his little motorcycle, haha so
OH here's a good story... awkward... interesting story.....
so we were biking along these apartments, and met a guy,
jose, sitting under a tree with a big hat and sunglasses. and we stopped to
talk to him and he said we could come back to teach him and his wife and kid,
SO we came back the next week with a member and... hm. how do i say this. WELL.
i saw him with a woman, and a kid, and i was confused... because.. well. one of
our investigators, his wife left him for a man at their apartment complex and
took the kid.... and.. well. the woman that was with Jose was his x wife... and
the kid was his kid.... and she saw us and she knows we're teaching her x
husband and she told jose we couldn't come in.. haha that MIGHT be not so crazy
for you guys but WHAT ARE THE ODDS. hahaha i couldn't belIEVE it!!! i always
wondered who it had been.... oh my goodness. so terrible.
BUT! we met two guys on the stairs by his apartment because
of it! and we taught them about the book of mormon and they were like what the?
why has no one heard about this? and we were like RIGHT??? haha so they were
super accepting of it which is unusual around there but it was AWESOME! and
they started reading before we even left :)
okay... the moment you've all been waiting for..... the
best... day.... (along with the other best days) of my......... LIFE.
so uh there's this less active, i can't remember if i've
told you about him! his name is Jorge. well. the first time me and hermana judd
went to go see him, he told us he wanted his name out of the church, and asked
for the bishops number. we said he had to pray about it, etc etc etc and stuff.
SO. after a couple months..... we.................... oh wait! i did tell you
guys! it was one of the miracles! he said he was coming back to church :)
BUT! everyone said.... it wouldn't happen...... EVERYone
said....... to not get our hopes up...... EVERYONE SAID................ HE
oh man holy SDFH:SODUFH SDf i was freaking OUT! so happy!
and THEN he called us that night and was like.. so... i'm trying to put my profile together and i
don't know what to do at this part.... OH MY GOSH I WAS LITERALLY DYING!!!!
hahaha okay i'm probably over exaggerating but oooh MAN i was so happy. haha
AND he asked us if we could write our names in his book of mormon so he could
remember the missionaries who brought him back... he said it felt like home
coming back. oh man guys what a night right?? i was so happy. what a blessing.
super grateful to witness that.
okay WELL i gotta go but just a little thought. hel 12:3-6
i've been thinking about this a lot. how slow we are to
remember God. even as a missionary! when 24/7 it's gospel related it is so
easy... we get so involved in our lives, we get so busy and so comfortable we
forget about him. we give him maybe a few minutes a day, if that. we put
everything in our life above him, and we forget that he literally is the only
reason we have any of that stuff. if you have a job? he gave you that job. if
you think you got it yourself? yeah you didn't... haha he can do WHATEVER he
wants and he blesses us all the time. we forget that he is our FATHER,
not our on call butler or something. we forget that he wants to hear from us,
and misses us, and is here for us. but that he gave us everything. we get
prideful and we think we've gained it all! he is the best friend we could ever
ask for, and we forget that, he is here for us when we forget about him every
second of every day. he is always ready and willing to help. i challenge you
all including myself to give him more time! to think about him more and to be
more grateful for what you have.
p.s. he's freaking awesome too!!! he's like lion king or
aslan or every super hero EVER TIMES 10000000000!!!!!!!
just the power of his VOICE can do anything! break
mountains, build rivers, whatever he wants! and he's our dad :)
well. i love you all so much. seriously. SERIOUSLY. haha i
can't get over it. i have the greatest friends and family EVER.
i wouldn't give up this mission for a thousand years of
nutella and food. or a thousand billion trillion dollars!!!!! OR A
MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........ it's that.... big... of a deal. a monkey. haha
guys i just can't explain it... i'm so grateful to be here :)
WOO! love it. love you all!
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